
Fun Zone's Rankings

1. There are Daily Rankings and Weekly Rankings based on the accumulated reward from the event.

2. Rankings including the accumulative rewards of all games during the event.

3. The rewards (RCH and USDT) will be distributed according to the rankings after the event ends.

4. Rewards can be accumulated and the withdrawal is available only once a day.

Fun Zone's Wallet

1. Players need to exchange RCH for FZC (Fun Zone Coin) to enter Fun Zone.

2. The exchange ratio of RCH to FZC: 1:10,000.

3. The minimum withdrawal amount of FZC: 5,000,000.

4. There is no FZC withdrawal cooldown period.

5. The withdrawal fee: 1.5% of the FZC withdrawal amount.

6. All the RCH exchanged in Fun Zone will be stored at the address: 0x617ad5a4Aa39dF3EC9f6F05c06AEa30d885F51c5

Last updated