RCH Utilization

Farm purchase

Farm purchase could only be made by using RCH in Private Account. Players could buy the farm in Store or Marketplace. The price of each type of farm could be very different according to its properties and components. On the other side, different properties and components will produce different amounts of RCH per day.

Farm management

Some specific operations on the farm may consume RCH from the player’s Farm Account. However, the farm will produce more RCH in return.


The RCH collected through the NFT sales will be used in Fun Zone as the player rewards and returns from play to earn as well.


The commission will be charged to withdraw RCH from Game Account to Private Account by a certain percentage.

FZC Exchange

FZC token is the in-game currency. Its issuance is unlimited, but the balance between its production and consumption is the prerequisite to the design of all the games on the platform as its stability is the cornerstone of the whole platform.

Players could earn FZC token either by exchanging RCH in wallet or playing games, attending activities in FunZone such as: slots, prize draw, lottery, daily mission, live house, RICH Hall of Fame etc.

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